Post wildfire resources
After a catastrophic wildfire, quick action must be taken to minimize social, environmental, and economic devastation. Responsive action requires navigating a complex maze of diverse landowners, community organizations, and numerous local and federal requirements.
Given enough time, forests eventually heal from wildfire, but that healing process can take decades or even centuries. They simply won’t heal quickly without human intervention. Timely rehabilitation efforts reduce the environmental impacts of fire and can have a positive impact on the community’s social and economic situation in the months and years after the fire. Perhaps most importantly, quick and effective rehabilitation efforts improve public health and safety.
This page is intended to provide website links containing valuable post-fire recovery and restoration information. We hope it will prove useful in helping your community establish plans and priorities that protect its citizens, homes, essential infrastructure and resources from the destruction that occurs after a catastrophic wildfire.
Coalitions and Collaboratives (COCO) extends its heartfelt support to all individuals and communities affected by the recent wildfires in Los Angeles. We recognize the immense challenges faced during such devastating events and have compiled this guide to provide essential resources and tools for recovery. We aim to empower you with actionable steps, reliable information, and connections to support services as you navigate this difficult time. Remember, recovery is a journey, and you are not alone.
Coaliciones y Colaboraciones (COCO) extiende su más sincero apoyo a todas las personas y las comunidades que han sido afectadas por los recientes incendios forestales en Los Ángeles. Nuestro equipo reconoce la magnitud de los desafíos a los que se están enfrentando durante estos eventos devastadores, por ende, hemos compilado esta guía de ayuda para proporcionar recursos y herramientas esenciales. Nuestro objetivo es brindarles pasos prácticos, información confiable y conexiones a servicios de ayuda. Recuerde, la etapa de recuperación es un proceso largo y queremos enfatizar que usted no está solo.
The post-wildfire playbook was developed for counties, tribes, municipalities, and water providers since they are typically the entities most directly and immediately impacted by wildfire and post-fire erosion and flooding, yet there is a gap in guidance in terms of navigating the complexities surrounding post-fire rehabilitation. This Post-fire playbook is designed to help fill that gap, by serving as an actionable worksheet that includes specific and critical steps to take and contacts to make before, during, and within the first 30 days of a fire to facilitate the process.
You can access and download the Post-fire Playbook here.
Information for Colorado Wildfire Recovery
State Guides for Land Management & Restoration
Homeowners & Residents
Recovery Guides
After the Disaster Guidebook
Disaster Recovery Guide
Post-fire Flooding Checklists
Clean-Up & Recovery
Asbestos & Natural Disasters Guide
Flood After Fire Fact Sheet
NWS Flash Flood Facts
Safe Cleanup of Fire Ash
Staying Safe from Asbestos
Understanding Burn Severity
Health & Well Being
After the Fire
CDC Prepare, During & After Wildfire
Help Kids Prepare
Red Cross: Disaster Relief and Recovery Services
Red Cross Before, During & After Wildfire
USDA Food Safety Tips
Important Documents
Important Documents Checklist
Replacing Vital Documents
Insurance & Finances
Insurance for Wildfires
How to Protect Your Home from Wildfire Disasters
National Flood Insurance Program
Recovering Financially
Wildfire Insurance 101
Mental Health
Disaster Distress Helpline
FEMA Coping with Disaster
Helping Children Cope with Disaster
Weather & Alerts
NOAA Radio Recommendations
Post Fire Flood Risk
Landscape Hazards
USFS Research & Development Search Engine
Community & Small Business
Floods Follow Fire
Manitou Springs Flooding
NOAA Flash Flood Threat
Prepare Your Business
Backflow Prevention Required
Disaster Recovery Plan for Business
Flood Insurance
Flood Preparation
Prepare Your Business for Flood
Wildfire Insurance 101
Clean Up & Recovery
Safe Clean-Up of Fire Ash
Understand Burn Severity
Small Business Disaster Loan
Long Term Recovery
Disaster Recovery Programs
Long Term Recovery Overview
Planning for Post Disaster Recovery
Support Though COCO Affiliation
Post-Fire Guides & Toolkits
After Fire: Toolkit for the Southwest
CUSP Phoenix Guide
Mitigating Post-fire Runoff and Erosion
National Association of Counties Post-Fire Playbook
NVOAD Resources What To Do After A Wildfire
BAER Logistics
Emergency Watershed Program
FEMA: Help After Disaster
Silver Jackets
HydrologY & Hydraulics
Colorado State
Colorado Decision Support System
Colorado Hazard and Lidar Mapping
Burn Severity Portal
Landslides Hazards Program
National Geospatial Program Map
National Land Cover Database
Stream Statistics
National Lidar
National Weather Dashboard
National Weather Information System
Additional Sources
NRCS Web Soil Survey
USDA Hydrologic Analysis of Post-Wildfire
NOAA Precipitation Data Frequency Server
Recovery Structures
BALN Structures
Concrete Barrier Wall
Contour Wattles
Erosion Control Mat
Hand Raking
Hesco Flood Barrier
Log Erosion Barriers
Mechanical Scarification
Modified Crib Wall
Rock Check Dam
Sandbag Barrier
Seeding Fact Sheet
Straw Bale Check Dam