
Themes and Topics
Theme 1: Enhancing Pre-Fire Planning for Better Post-Fire Recovery

  1. Exploring strategies and best practices for pre-fire planning to facilitate efficient and effective post-fire recovery efforts.
  2. Integrating post-fire considerations into Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) and Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMPs).
  3. Assessing the role of science in informing management decisions for fire outcomes and its impact on community readiness for post-fire impacts.
  4. Leveraging AI and data-driven approaches for risk-informed decision-making in post-fire recovery planning.
  5. Identifying available tools and resources for pre-fire planning and discussing challenges and opportunities in their accessibility and utilization.
  6. Promoting the importance of including post-fire discussions in pre-fire planning processes.

Theme 2: Fostering an All Hands All Lands Approach to Collaboration

  1. Addressing challenges and barriers to effective interagency collaboration in post-fire recovery efforts.
  2. Cultivating partnerships and networks that support ongoing collaboration and coordination.
  3. Highlighting the involvement of diverse stakeholders beyond agencies through panel discussions.
  4. Exploring the role of post-fire navigators and showcasing their contributions to post-fire recovery planning and implementation.

Theme 3: Addressing Policies and Regulations for Resilient Post-Fire Recovery

  1. Discussing policy barriers and opportunities for implementing effective post-fire recovery strategies.
  2. Assessing the progress and recommendations of relevant commissions and working groups.
  3. Visioning the future of post-fire recovery management systems.
  4. Examining FEMA’s role and contributions in post-fire recovery.

Theme 4: Bridging the gap between scientific research findings and their practical application in post-fire recovery.

  1. Identifying funding sources and leveraging multiple funding streams for post-fire recovery projects.

Theme 5: Fostering Strategic & Tactical Approaches

  1. Sharing available tools and resources, case studies and success stories showcasing practical implementation tactics alongside broader strategic approaches.